Research Teams

Colleges & Faculties

Beijing Livestock Monitoring and Early Warning Innovation

2024-08-30 15:34:11

The team has continued to carry out information monitoring, early warning and policy studies on Beijing's dairy cattle and pig industries, with focus on problems of information islands, weak industry chain resilience, high industry volatility, and low economic benefits in the Beijing livestock industry chain. Based on the "Beijing Dairy Industry Monitoring and Early Warning Platform", the team has built 17 model dairy farms and 20 point-of-collection supermarkets in Beijing, realizing the monthly collection of information from model dairy farms and weekly collection of dairy market prices, and continued to follow up on the monthly monitoring and early warning of the damage to China's dairy industry by New Zealand and Australia. Beijing Dairy Monitoring and Early Warning Platform, which includes three sub-systems: "Beijing Dairy Farm Information Collection", "Beijing Dairy Product Price Information Collection" and "China Dairy Damage Early Warning", is the first software-based research and development of industrial damage early warning theory in the field of agriculture, which fills the gaps in China. Covering information on farms, markets, international trade and other key links in the industry chain, it provides important reference for the production and management of dairy farms, dairy processing enterprises and government authorities in Beijing.

Research results of the team:

1. Publishing academic monographs

① Beijing Dairy Economic Development Study (2020), China Commerce and Trade Press, September 2021

② Study on Optimization of Cold Chain Logistics System for Dairy Products in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, China Commerce and Trade Press, September 2021

③ Study on Dairy Safety Dual Chain Management for Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration, China Commerce and Trade Press, December 2019

④ Study on Sustainability Evaluation of Beijing Dairy Industry, China Agriculture Press, October 2018

⑤ Study on the Competitiveness of Beijing's Dairy Market, China Commerce and Trade Press, April 2016

⑥ Study on the Growth of Dairy Enterprises in Beijing, China Agriculture Press, November 2015

⑦ Study on Early Warning of Damage to China's Dairy Cattle Industry, China Commerce and Trade Press, September 2015

2. Writing policy recommendation reports adopted by the competent authorities

① The team drafted theBeijing Action Program for High-Quality Development of the Dairy Industry (2023-2027), which was jointly issued by the Beijing Municipal Government (JZNF [2023] No. 48).

② China Dairy Damage Early Warning Platform, was adopted by the Dairy Management Office of the Ministry of Agriculture.

③ Policy recommendations for enhancing the production resilience of pig farmers in the context of the African swine fever received affirmative instructions from the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and were adopted by the Bureau of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Team Members:

1.Liu Fang, e-mail:

2.Wang Chen, e-mail:

3.Wang Huihui, e-mail:

4.Liu Yazhao, e-mail:

5.Li Yuan, e-mail:

6.Pan Enyang, e-mail: