Research Teams

Colleges & Faculties

Agri-Trade Research

2024-08-30 15:32:54

With focus on food supply and safety in major cities, the team mainly studies the emergency supply of agricultural products in the capital, fresh food supply chain, food safety supervision, and early warning of safety in the agricultural industry, etc. Through the "Data Collection, Analysis and Early Warning Platform for Agriculture, Rural areas, and Rural Residents", the team has achieved the collection, analysis and early warning of the production, consumption and trade data of the "food basket" products in major cities; the "Early Warning Platform for the Damage of Agricultural Industry" has become the data analysis platform for major agricultural products of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and Beijing Municipality, and provides theoretical support and policy advice for the food supply and industrial safety of the capital. The "Construction and Exploration of Classified Training Mode for Speciality Degree Graduate Students" in 2021 won the "Beijing Education and Teaching Achievements Award". In 2021, team members undertook six projects of various types, including a project of the National Social Science Fund of China. In 2021, team members published five non-textbook monographs as the first author.

Team Members:

1.He Wei, e-mail:

2.Lv Xiaoying, e-mail:

3.Pu Yingyan, e-mail:

4.Zheng Chunhui, e-mail:

5.Bai Yanjuan, e-mail:

6.Zheng Xun, e-mail: