
Colleges & Faculties

HU Xinping

2024-09-27 15:33:09

Associate Professor, Department of Rural Regional Development

I. Personal information

HU Xinping, Ph.D, Associate Professormaster's supervisor..

II. Research interests

Research on Fertility IntentionChildcare services

III. Research Projects

She has presided over and participated in more than 10 scientific research projects commissioned by government departments at various levels, among which the most important are:

1. Research on the Construction of Beijing Fertility Friendly Childcare System from the Perspective of Needs.

2. Research on Fertility Intention after the Adjustment of Fertility Policy.

3. Evaluation of the New Generation of Rural Migrants’ Desires for integrating into the City in Beijing.

4. Investigation into the living situation of Uygur ethnic group women in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

IV. Major Achievements

She published more than 10 articles, and won 5 provincial and ministerial awards, among which the most important are:

(Ⅰ) Major prize-winning achievements

1. The 13th Excellent Survey and Research Achievement Award of Beijing Municipality, 2019.

2. Excellent Guidance Teacher for Undergraduate Graduation Design (Thesis) in Ordinary Universities in Beijing, 2021.

3. First Prize of Excellent Social Research Project for Young Teachers in Beijing Universities, 2016

(Ⅱ) Representative works

1. Hu Xinping, Research on Fertility Intention after the Adjustment of Fertility Policy, China Agriculture Press, May, 2023.

2. Hu Xinping translation, Gordon Conway, One billion Hungry, Beijing: Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Sep, 2015.

3. Hu Xinping, Peng Hui, Study on Agricultural Exhibition Development, Beijing: China Agriculture Press, July, 2015.

(Ⅲ) Representative papers

1. Hu Xinping, Lin Hongyu, Zuo Ting, A Forecast and Inspiration of Benefit Distribution between Urban and Rural People in Late Demographic Bonus Era: Analysis of Labor Force Transfer as a Case, Agriculture Economy, 2013(8).

2. Hu Xinping, Zhang Qingwen, Gou Tianlai, etc. Bottleneck of Low Carbon Agriculture Development, Rural Economy, 2013(7).

3. Hu Xinping, Gou Tianlai, Huang Jie, etc. Study on the Comparative Advantages of Extensive Zhujiang River Delta Economic Zone and ASEAN, World Agriculture, 2013(7).

4. Hu Xinping, Bi Yuzhu, Huang Jie, etc. Analysis of Agricultural Modernization from Agricultural Comparative Advantages of Guangxi and ASEAN, Guangdong Agricultural Sciences, 2013(12).

5. Hu Xinping, Study on Traditional and Modern Agriculture from the History of Agriculture Development, Agricultural Archaeology, 2013(6).

6. Hu Xinping, Research on State Peasant Relationship in the Modernization Process of China, Beijing: China Agriculture Press, May, 2012.

7. Hu Xinping, Research of the State-Peasant Relationship in China since the Foundation of the Country, Forward Position, July, 2011.

8. Zuo Ting, Hu Xinping, Analysis of the bottleneck in Forestry Farmers’ Cooperatives’ Development: Case studies in Liuyang and Hongjiang city, Hunan provinceForestry Economy, Jan, 2011.

9. Zuo Ting, Hu Xinping, Gou Tianlai, etc, Endogenous Participation and Quality Control in Government Afforestation ProjectsA Case Study on Convert Cultivated Land into Forests Projects in A County and B District of Gansu, Problems of Forestry Economics, Jan, 2011.

10. HuXinping, Zuo Ting, Rabina G. Rasaily, “FFC: A solution to the Conflict between Economic Scale and Individual Household Incentive?” XXIII IUFRO World Congress, Seoul, Korea - 23 - 28 August, 2010.

11. Cheryl GESLANI, HU Xinping, etc, “Uncovering Matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake) Harvester Livelihood Preferences in Yunnan, China”, Rural Livelihoods in China: Political Economy in Transitionpublished by Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited (company number 785998) , 2010.

12. World Resources Institute, World Resources 2002-2004, Hu Xinping translation, Yunnan Ethnic Publication, 3/2007.

13. Zuo Ting, Hu Xinping, Current Situation and Future of Forestry Farmers’ Cooperatives in Hunan Province, Research of Forestry Work, 2010.

14. Li Xiaoyun, Hu Xinping, Qi Gubo, Research of the institutional innovation under grazing-ban policy in the cross-area of cropping and grazing, second author, Grassland Science, 2006.

15. Qi Gubo, Hu Xinping, Research on the farmers’ grazing behavior under grazing-ban policy, Journal of China Agricultural University, 2006.

16. Hu XinpingReview of the Reform and Effects of Agricultural Supporting Policies since the Reforms and Open Policy in ChinaJournal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences, 2010.

V. Contact information

Postal address: College of Humanities and Urban-Rural Development, Beijing University of Agriculture, No. 7, Beinong Road, Huilongguan, Changping, Beijing, 102206

Contact number: 010-80797205

Email: huxinping1980@126.com