Research Teams

Colleges & Faculties

Agricultural Robotics Research

2024-08-30 16:19:54

Research Directions:

1.High-throughput Crop Phenotype Information Acquisition Robot

Considering the bottleneck of high-efficiency screening of massive samples in new-generation breeding technology, the team studies the theory and technology for automated and high-throughput sample screening based on robotic technology, strives to make breakthroughs in theory and algorithms for high-speed and high-precision online extraction of crop phenotypic parameters, and contributes to the rapid development of China's "agrochip" technology.

2.Environmental Sensing and Autonomous Navigation of Agro-Mobile Robots

Targeted at the field, greenhouse, orchard and other scenarios, the team carries out research on mobile robot environment sensing and autonomous navigation theory and algorithms, strives to make breakthroughs in algorithms for scenario semantic feature extraction, and robot repositioning in long voyage/inter-seasonal orchard scenarios, and consolidates the basic conditions of autonomous behavioural capabilities of agricultural robots in inspections, handling, and other operations.

3.Dexterous Operation of Agro-Mobile Robots

Facing the demand for dexterous operation in agriculture, such as picking, transplanting, livestock vaccination, etc., the team studies theories and algorithms of optimal control and skill learning of robotic arms, visual servo control, and grip/push tactile operation control, with a view to enhancing the ability of agricultural robots in precise and dexterous operation.

Team Profile:

*Highlight team characteristics and strengths, specify research areas with cooperation intentions, and demonstrate the experience of international exchange and cooperation (if any) and the results of high-level papers.

The team carried out the application of robotics in agriculture, and the members' interests are predominantly in robotics. At present, the team has undertaken 1 general project and 1 Youth Science Fund project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 1 project/sub-project of National Key R&D Program, 1 sub-project of National S&T Support Program, 1 project of Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation, and 1 project of Beijing Municipal Key R&D Program; signed 1 research cooperation agreement with the University of Tanta (Egypt); and published more than 50 high-level papers on/at top journals/conferences, such as TIE, COMPAG and IROS. We are looking forward to cooperating with domestic and foreign teams and companies in the fields of robotics and agricultural engineering on R&D projects.

Team Members:

1.Qiu Quan, e-mail:

2.Fan Zhengqiang, e-mail:

3.Zhang Xiaonei, e-mail: