The Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Beijing Municipality recently kicked off the International Friendship Ambassadors Experiencing Beijing Services. Forty foreign friends, including foreign employees from foreign enterprises in Beijing, foreign experts, international students and foreign media journalists, were invited to become the first batch of International Friendship Ambassadors. BUA’s foreign student Lebedinskaya Vasilisa is on the list.

It’s learnedthat the International Friendship Ambassadors Experiencing Beijing Services is a new initiative taken to boost Beijing’s international services and build a channel for regularizing communication with the foreign friends in Beijing. The International Friendship Ambassadors can personally experience Beijing’s international services by participating in the centralized activities regularly organized by the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing and provide opinions and suggestions accordingly. They can also report their actual experience and problems found in study, life and work to the Foreign Affairs Office of Beijing at any time.

The first on the right is Lebedinskaya Vasilisa
Lebedinskaya Vasilisa, who is currently studying at BUA, is an exchange student from Kutafin Moscow State Law University. She was earlier chosen to participate in the activity “Visiting Beautiful China and Seeking Worldwide Friends” organized by Beijing Municipal Education Commission, a China’s conditions education course for foreign students studying in Beijing. She said that the diverse courses and cultural activities at BUA enriched her experience of China’s long history and profound culture. She also promised to gain deeper insight into Beijing and China, and to tell Chinese stories from the perspective of foreign youths, so as to become a friendship ambassador and make positive contributions to the academic and people-to-people exchanges between Chinese and Russian college students.