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Class of 2009 graduate students attended welcome ceremony
Author:BUA Time:2009-09-24 09:04:18

On September 11, a group of 163 new graduate students attended the welcome ceremony held at agricultural science and technology training center. This ceremony included introduction of new faculty and staff, speech by the president of BUA and other speakers.

Beijing University of Agriculture (BUA) hired more than 23 faculties and staffs this year to enhance the experience of the graduate student. This is an effort to make BUA a better research institution. President of BUA Yong-nian Wang handed out the letters of employment to the new employees at the ceremony.

The president’s speech was the highlight of the ceremony. He encouraged students to be honest, study hard and develop all around skills. Academic integrity is very important for the school and students and the president of BUA encourage the student to use good judgment and avoid cheating. The president wanted student to study hard and create something new. He finished the speech by wish students good luck in school.

Hong Shen, a teacher from the department of Animal Science, welcomed the students on the behalf of teacher at BUA. Liu Chun, a class of 2008 student from department of food processing, welcomed the new students on behalf of the student body at BUA.

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