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Li Hongwei
Author: Time:2013-10-17 19:26:47

Chinese nameLi Hongwei

Li Hongwei Associate Professor of Food Science and Processing Engineering




Contact Information





Office Phone:          010-80794186

Office Fax:010-80799170

Recruitment Status:

Websites:     http://www.

Education & Experience:

Sep.2000 — Jun.2003  China Agricultural University, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Ph.D.

Sep.1996 — Jun.1999  China Agricultural University, College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, Master degree.

Sep.1985— Jun.1989  Shanxi Agricultural University. Department of Food Science, Bachelor degree.

Research Interests: Fruit and Vegetable Storage and Processing,

Primary Teaching Area:Food Technology》、《beverage technology》、《Horticultural Products Storage and Processing》、《Food Additives

Positions & Employment:


1 Excellent paper in the 2005 Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Association

2        Beijing youth talented teacher in 2006.

Profile:(Only 500 Words)

I have been engaged in “Postharvest physiology and biotechnology of fruits and vegetables” work, and participated in these studies on metabolism and storage technology researches in variety of agricultural products, such as jujube, persimmon, cucumber, cherry, mango, peach, pear and so on. I have published more than 20 papers in Chinese academic journals;4 papers in EI journals.

Main research fields:

1. Fresh fruit and vegetables postharvest physiology and metabolism, maturation and senescence of regulation and storage technology development.

Major researches:

(1) Effects of INA (2,6dichloroisonicotinic acid) on postharvest disease-resistance and quality of jujube fruit;

(2) Study on Lignination mechanism and storage technology of postharvest asparagus;

(3) Studies on the key technology and application of storage and logistics in special fruit and vegetables.

2. Food processing technology and comprehensive utilization of resources: Studies on the technology of comprehensive utilization in agricultural and sideline products as raw materials and cooperating with enterprises to promote the application of research results.

Major researches:

(1) The technology of comprehensive utilization of the tea seed cake;

(2) The key technology of fruits juice processing and comprehensive utilization of slag;

(3) Functionalvegetable powder processing technology.

Selected Publications:

1 Guo, H.H., Li,H. W., Hao,T. Changes of Active and Their Relationship with Antioxidant Capacity in peel and pulp of winter Jujube during Storage. Scientia Silvae Sinicae. Accepted

2 Guo,H.H., Li,H.W., Zhang H.Y.,Chen,B.Z. 2012. Change of quality and respiratory intensity at different part of Winter jujube with and without stems during cold storage. Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture.27 (1):69-72

3 Jin P.H., Li,H.W. 2010. Study on respiratory intensity Change of different part of Winter jujube with and without stems.Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University (Natural Science Edition).28(2):10-12

4 Kong, Y., Jin P.H., Li,H.W.2009.Effect of Hypobaric Storage on quality of different parts of green asparagus Science and Technology of Food Industry. 12:126-129

5 Gao Zhe, Li Hongwei, Han Tao.2008.Effect of gas packaging on colour and quality changes in cold stored “Dongzao jujube”(Zizyphus jujube Mill).Transactions of the CSAE, 24 (2):302-306

6 Li,H.W., Hao,T., Li.L.P.,Feng.S.Q. 2005.Effect of ABA and GA3 treatments on the metabolism of active oxygen species in cold stored “Brumal Jujube”flesh.Acta Horticulture Scnica.32(5):793-797

7 Li,H.W., Yin.X.H., Feng.S.Q., Zhao.Y.M.2005.Effects of simple controlled atmosphere on the contents of ethanol and organic acid and the activity of related enzymes of “Brumal Jujube”. Transactions of the CSAE, 21 (4):172-175

8 Li,H.W., Yin.X.H., Feng.S.Q., Zhao.Y.M. 2004.Effects of exogenous ABA and ethephon on the respiration rate,ethylene production and quality changes of “Dongzao Jujube”fruit after harvest. Transactions of the CSAE 4(2):74-77




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