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Business English(International Trade)
Author: Time:2013-10-17 22:48:24

  Training goal

This major of Business English mainly cultivates compound application talents with a good ideological and moral quality,professional quality, having a certain English language foundation,  international economic basic theory and practical operation skills, combining foreign languages, international economic and trade knowledge, knowledge of international economic law together.


  The curriculum

This major consists of the following courses: Basic English, English listening, English translation, English country profiles, International Business English, Business Correspondence, English Economic Newspaper Reader, Accounting, English Economic and Trade Contracts in Writing and in Translation, English Interpretation, Business English, Marketing, International Trade and Practice TOEIC Exam Training (TOEIC).


  Internship and practical training

The teaching of this major also includes teaching practice both in campus and out of campus as follows: Campus practice including course training, foreign exchange, a "2 + 1" teaching practice, comprehensive practice for students which is arranged in the third year, graduation practice, in order to train the students to become workplace person, and laya good foundation for the students before entering the society, enhancing the employment competitiveness of students. With our champions league ka wah international business company, the city hui tong, wangfu international beauty escape way division, and other enterprises have good relations of cooperation, can provide internships for students, practice, etc.


  Eductional system

Three academic years


  Obtain employment direction

Graduates of this Major could have a job in international trade, finance, communications, information, transportation, business, tourism and other modern service industry.

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